For not posting more.
I have nothing much to say though. I started decorating for Christmas and have been working on other projects. R and I did completely finish this one though:
I've used it already! I need to get two 3-prong extension cords now (one for the toaster) so I can use it here, but it's on wheels too so I can roll it over where I want it. If I had the extension cord, I could switch the mixer and bread machine and use it there where it's not in the way of anything. Because neither the bread machine nor the mixer fit on my countertops, the uppers are too low. Not that they are extra tall, and not that it doesn't make it easier for 4'11" me to reach things, but it is annoying that things that are supposed to and normally do fit don't.
To further complain about the kitchen, the 20-30 year old dishwasher is dying and the 30-40 year old stove doesn't have a thermostat so it doesn't know when to turn itself down. Plus it runs on pilot light and not electric start, which scares me a little. And it has carpet. BUT we can fix it all with dedicated fixing up the youth parsonage money. It's just the house needs to be leveled (pier and beam) first, and seriously, the bathroom is worse and needs to go first. I have serious doubts about how far the money will go...
Also, we did accomplish alot in Odessa. Got everything we should need for a month. And after some technical difficulties, God preformed a miracle (which I'm not even saying as a joke) and we spent exactly the amount of money we had planned on groceries. Plus we put $50 of our gas money on an HEB card and got TWELVE CENTS OFF A GALLON at the pump. From a 1/4 tank to full on a 20.5 gallon tank, it took FORTY EIGHT AMERICAN DOLLARS to fill up! Craziness.
And C did not go with me to Odessa, she decided she wasn't up for it after all (especially when I told her Christmas shopping, etc. would also be happening and it might be a long day) but we did go over to C and D's house after we got back and had a mini-party with make your own pizza night! That was fun.
Also, when we were in Odessa, the girl at Staples was rude and slow and made me angry and even though I really like Staples and might still buy a printer from them, I will never let the Odessa Staples copier and binder people ever do anything for me ever again as long as I live. But the people at Office Depot copying and binding are very nice even though they had been there until midnight the night before because someone messed up and took an order they should have outsourced and then they had been there from 9 that morning and it was after 4 when I was there. It took them 15 minutes to do what the other girl had not been able to do from about noon until 4 and said would still be "I don't know. Hours, I guess" more until it was done.
OK, I'm not sure if this is really a post or not, but I am ready to go back to Christmas decorating since you currently have to manuever very carefully through my (previously clean) living room and only have two spots to sit, not to mention my laptop is sitting in the only empty square on my (previously mostly clean) table top.
Feb Days
1 hour ago
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