...to do a post about my curtains today and the house "in progress" Thursday. But I decided to go out of town for most of last week and EEEEKKKKK next week is VBS! Exciting, but scary considering how much is left to do.
Yesterday I spent cleaning. It was Memorial Day but we went ahead and did our Bible study since it was the last one and VBS is next week. So today I spent in "trip recovery" where I totally unpacked and did catch-up laundry (well, I did catch-up laundry yesterday, too) and then I did some organization in my craft room and did a "dream with me, here" drawing/plan of the cutting table I want my husband to build.
OH, and I tried to make dishwasher soap again today before we go to the store on Friday and I don't know how it will work, but it didn't explode everywhere! I'll post more on that once I know if it works and all.
Then, I set my computer back up (because I took it with me) and printed a TON of organization printables (they all came from here or from clicking links on the links on the original page). I always do weekly planning on Sundays but I think it can improve. So I'm testing out a bunch of pages to decide which one I should laminate and use over and over or if I should create my own.
I also spent quite a bit of time watching Duck Dynasty because I discovered it while I was gone (I know, I'm way behind the times) and loved it.
So, at the end of the day, I did everything on my list except blog about curtains. It's way too late to take pictures of them now. And I accomplished a lot more than it looks like I did.
It may be after VBS before I post again and I'm nearly certain it will be after VBS before I actually blog about the curtains or house! But the trip? It was totally worth it! I came home feeling much more like me.
Also, pray for our VBS. I'm a little nervous about how much is left to do and that we still need an assistant for one classroom!
Feb Days
2 hours ago
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